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Dispensary Reputation Management: How to Get More Reviews & Keep a 4.7+ Rating

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Get More People Talking About Your Dispensary

Ignoring reviews can lose you sales.

82% of customers check reviews for local businesses [BrightLocal]. If your dispensary doesn’t stack up—if people are saying negative things about you or if they just aren’t leaving reviews at all—they’ll head straight to the competition.

But there’s more…

If you don’t respond to reviews or maintain a certain rating, many potential customers will find another place to shop.

In this webinar, we talk about the value of dispensary reputation management and the strategies you need to be using to get more stars.During our 30-minute webinar,

you’ll learn:

  1. Why reputation management is crucial for sales
  2. Three proven ways to get more reviews
  3. How to maintain a 4.7 rating (and why you should)

Here’s a Preview of the Webinar:

[4:26] Find out why reviews still matter and why you need to implement a strategy to protect your reputation.
[8:46] Tune in here to learn the three components of reputation management you need to focus on.
[12:58] Not sure how frequently you should check your reviews? Tune in here to find out.
[15:01] A negative review?! Oh no! Here’s what you have to do…
[17:50] Want more reviews? These three strategies will help you score those stars.


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Dispensary Reputation Management: How to Get More Reviews & Keep a 4.7+ Rating


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