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Women in Cannabis: Marketing to Women, By Women with Nurit Raphael and Jamie Evans

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Women make up 51% of cannabis users – if you aren’t marketing to women, you’re missing out on a chance to market to over half of cannabis customers in the market. How can you ensure your cannabis business is reaching women? How can you shift your marketing focus to prioritize an up-and-coming market?

Join us as two cannabis entrepreneurs and CEOs, Nurit Raphael and Jamie Evans, as they share their top tips for marketing to women and what you need to know to market to women effectively in your business!

During our 60-minute webinar, you’ll discover:

  • Top tips for marketing to female cannabis consumers
  • Insight into the archetypes of female cannabis customers
  • Top qualities women in leadership roles bring to big business


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Women in Cannabis: Marketing to Women, By Women with Nurit Raphael and Jamie Evans


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