5 Benefits of SMS Marketing You Should Know About

Benefits of SMS Marketing

Benefits of SMS Marketing: SMS Messaging Is Direct & Immediate

One of the main benefits of SMS marketing is how quick and to the point it is.
Most people take their phone with them everywhere they go, giving you direct access to them at all times. SMS messages take just seconds to open and read, making them more accessible and convenient than email newsletters, and making customers more likely to actually view them.

Strategically timed text messages can be used to make customers aware of events, offers, and promotions. The average response time for a text message is roughly 90 seconds. Customers can quickly view your message and reach a conclusion regarding its contents. When compared to email marketing, SMS messages are more likely to inspire customers to take immediate action.

Moreover, SMS messaging gives you massive reach. Messages can be sent to your entire list within minutes. Best of all, recipients do not even need a smartphone, an email address, an internet connection, or even a data plan. No other messaging medium comes close to SMS messaging in terms of reach and simplicity.

People Are Receptive to SMS Marketing

Surveys indicate that people are receptive to SMS marketing messages and may even prefer them over other kinds of marketing communications.

SMS open rates are much higher than email open rates. While email marketing is certainly effective, SMS open rates are astronomical, making SMS messaging more visible and more valuable. It’s pretty hard for someone to ignore a text message for very long, but emails and social media mentions can easily be ignored or passed over.

SMS marketing also provides marketers with the opportunity to deliver personalized messages. Using a customer’s name in a communication or messaging them on a special day like their birthday or Christmas can help to strengthen the bond between customer and brand. According to a survey by Accenture, 75% of consumers were more likely to buy from a retail brand that recognized them or that could offer recommendations based on past purchases.

SMS Marketing Can Make Loyalty Programs More Effective

It’s almost always more cost-effective to retain a customer than it is to find a new one. On average, obtaining a new customer can cost 5-10 times more than selling to a current customer. Plus, returning customers tend to be more valuable than first-time buyers. Repeat customers are likely to spend more money per purchase than first-time customers, who may just want to try out your products or experience your service.

Loyalty programs can be a good way to increase customer retention. Give your customers a reason to keep coming back by sending them special SMS offers and promotions only available to them.

One of the main benefits of SMS marketing is that it can help you to get your offers out more quickly and effectively. Sending out SMS offers to your most loyal customers can help to keep them aware of ongoing promotions and new offers. SMS offers can tempt your best customers to come into your shop more often and spend more money with each visit.

SMS Marketing Can Enhance Other Marketing Channels

Benefits of SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is believed to be an especially effective strategy for local retail businesses like dispensaries. SMS marketing campaigns can work in synergy with other marketing efforts and cast a wider net.

For instance, follow-up messages can be sent to inform or remind customers about social media campaigns or even email newsletters. We use it internally to share info about our webinars. Integrating marketing channels can help your campaigns and promotions achieve better coordination, allowing them to reinforce each other to produce better results.

Easy Opt-Ins and Opt-Outs

SMS marketing programs are also very easy for customers to opt-in to or opt-out of.

Just like email marketing, SMS marketing is a permission-based marketing strategy that requires users to opt-in. Not only will opt-ins keep you legally compliant, but they will also keep you from sending unwanted messages to annoyed customers.
There are two simple strategies to get your customers to opt-in to your SMS marketing program. The first is through “click to join” widgets and sign-up forms on your website or even social page. The second is by having customers text you a short opt-in message to an SMS number of your choice. Upon receipt of an online signup or a text request, an official opt-in message can be sent to the customer’s phone for confirmation.

Offering an incentive or special promotion to customers who sign up is a great way of boosting signup numbers.

To learn more about creating an effective SMS marketing strategy, watch this webinar.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 925-393-0444.

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
April 16, 2020