
Stay In the Loop: Must Follow Cannabis Publications

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Cannabis Industry: Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship

Cannabis Business Times

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A national publication aimed squarely at cultivators, CBT delivers industry news, articles on financial and legal resources and business opportunities, and strategies for growers, business owners, and anyone else involved in the legal cannabis industry.

ganjapreneur cannabis publications


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A publication for activists, business owners and investors, this frequently updated website features up-to-the-minute reportage on legal and commercial news as well as a podcast and a subscription-based business directory.

Green Entrepreneur

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This spinoff of the long-running Entrepreneur imprint covers the business side of both the medical and adult-use realms. The publication is known for high-quality content and solid international reporting.

marijuana business daily cannabis publications

Marijuana Business Daily

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Just closing in on a decade of publication, this well-regarded industry publication focuses its content at professionals in all sectors of the legal cannabis economy. Find state-by-state news, statistics and trends, as well as select international coverage and forecasts.

Marijuana Venture

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Self-described as the “journal of professional cannabis growers and retailers,” Mthis B2B  monthly focuses on news, tips, and legal advice geared towards these sectors of the industry.

Strain Insider

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Advertising itself as a “business and lifestyle magazine,” this publication focuses squarely on the European cannabis market. As such, expect a wide-ranging and international perspective on global cannabis culture.

Cannabis Publications: Science, Medicine & Law

CBD Health and Wellness

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Advertising itself as “heavy on science, light on fluff,” this CBD-focused publication serves all stakeholders in the CBD industry. You’ll find data-driven reportage on the science of cannabinoids, legal news, and product reviews.

dope magazine

Dope Magazine

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Despite the street-sounding name, Dope—an acronym for “Defending Our Planet Everywhere”—is aimed primarily at the medical cannabis community. Look for educational content based on the latest cannabis research and studies.

Hemp Connoisseur

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Focused on serving the hemp and medical cannabis communities, this journal began with the mission of sharing authoritative information on the environmental, economical, and health-focused aspects of the industry as a whole.

Terpenes and Testing

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Despite the clinical-sounding name, this publication is aimed at a science-curious general audience as well as industry professionals. Alongside articles on ensemble effects of terpenes and other compounds, you’ll find pieces on home cultivation and other technical topics.

Focusing on Science, Medicine & Law in Cannabis

Cannabis Publications


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Created by women for women, this venture from the former creative director of stylish Portland magazine Kinfolk shoots for a playful, eclectic perspective on cannabis culture. The publication also airs a bi-weekly podcast entitled “Broccoli Talk”

Cannabis Now

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Renowned for the high quality (sorry, no pun intended) of the photography and art direction, this culture journal focuses on cannabis cultivation, science and technology from a consumer-facing perspective.

Culture Magazine

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Though it’s based here in the US, Culture aims its high-quality content at a broad and international readership. You’ll find everything from pieces on cannabis culture to legal news to strain reviews on their well-organized website.

Emerald Magazine

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Another broad-reaching all-in-one cannabis publication, Emerald seeks to bridge the gap between the cannabis community and the media. You’ll find articles on cannabis lifestyle trends, political and social justice reportage, and coverage that focuses on the intersection between the fast-evolving world of cannabis law and ordinary peoples’ lives.

high times cannabis publication

High Times

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The great-granddaddy of cannabis journals, High Times has been in operation since 1974. Though some might argue it’s slipped in terms of its once cutting-edge relevance, it’s still the best-known cannabis culture magazine on the planet, and has an admirable record on which to stand.

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
February 4, 2021