Programmatic Advertising

Why Is It Important to Market to Existing Customers?


Existing customers are easier to track, easier to segment, and more accessible to your business than new customers, as they have interacted with your brand before.

Segmenting your customers helps you get more from your customer’s metadata, so you can work smarter, not harder, at catching the eye of your existing customers- and increase your bottom line without increasing your marketing budget.

If you aren’t using customer tracking techniques in your marketing plan, you could be missing out on countless opportunities to keep tabs on existing customers. Keeping track of your customers doesn’t need to be difficult- or costly.

Start by ensuring that your website is capturing phone numbers and email addresses of customers through a form, and utilize the power of your CRM to segment customers.

#Programmaticadvertising has numerous advantages. It allows you to be more selective about who you advertise to while keeping costs low. Using data obtained via pixels, retargeting allows you to show your ads to people who have previously indicated an interest in your service via cookie data.  

So, if you want to keep customers coming back, you can actually "follow" them throughout the web as they visit websites, mobile applications, and even watch TV, ensuring that your brand is always fresh in their thoughts- so you can sit back and focus on business and let programmatic ads do the heavy lifting.

When it comes to marketing to existing customers, the only limit is your own creativity. Keeping a pulse on current trends and hot items that your competitors are offering is a great way to discover new products that you can use in your own store to entice customers.

Think of your relationship with your loyal customers as a long-term relationship. After a while, you have to put some work in to keep things fresh and hot. Keep your relationship with customers fresh by incorporating VIP events, exclusive co-ops with highly sought-after vendors, and loyalty programs into your #marketing strategy.

Knowing your customer base is always to your advantage. Building customer profiles based on returning customer data can help you provide personalized experiences when shoppers interact with your brand. Knowing this data can help you decide what offers will excite them most.

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Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
March 16, 2022