Life Beyond Cookies: Increase Ad Personalization with Cannabis Consumer Identity Graphs

With MediaJel Chief Technology Officer, Dana Szova

The disappearance of cookies and Apple’s ATT implementation have thrown marketers for a loop. Don’t fear, there is a superior long-term solution!

What You’ll Learn

Building and using an identity graph provides both long-term stability and intriguing new possibilities in the face of diminishing addressability.

With the rise of people-oriented marketing, identity graphs have become the cornerstone for identifying and connecting with people across all channels and devices. Identity graphs enable large-scale, multi-channel marketing for connecting with customers at every stage of their journey. Rather than looking at clients as numbers, people-based marketing looks at them as individuals and allows you to create a more personalized engagement.

Using a user identification graph instead of a cookie allows you to provide personalized ad experiences across all devices including mobile apps, websites, emails, and even at physical retail locations.

During our 60-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to track consumer engagement in a cookieless society
  • The data sources of an identity graph and how to use them
  • What is identity stitching, and how is it used to create an omnichannel view of your consumer
  • Learn real-life identity graph applications within cannabis

Don’t miss this webinar if you want to level up your cookieless ad strategy!

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