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Google Ads: The Best Kept Secret in Dispensary Advertising

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Shatter Your Sales Goals & Blow the Competition Out of the Water

Lagging sales got you down?

Feel like your dispensary advertising is going stale?

Not sure what else to try?

Finding compliant marketing channels can be confusing and frustrating. With federal and state regulations to contend with, dispensaries must be creative to get their message out.

Digital marketing provides a compliant avenue for retailers to increase their reach and get their brand in front of interested potential customers.

And Google Ads is one of the best ways to do this.

But if it’s so great, why isn’t everyone doing it?

Because of the confusion that surrounds Google Ads, many dispensaries haven’t invested in this high-ROI dispensary advertising channel—which is a mistake.

Their reluctance is your gain.

Don’t wait until everyone jumps on the bandwagon—be a trendsetter. Uncover how Google Ads can benefit your dispensary and start supercharging your sales.

During our 30-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  1. Why Google Ads is such a valuable tactic
  2. What to do to maximize your ad spend
  3. How to get started and skyrocket past the competition

Here’s a Preview of the Webinar:

[6:48] Think you can’t run dispensary Google Ads? Think again!
[9:52] Still on the fence? When you run dispensary Google Ads, you get these three things.
[13:02] Want our six secrets for maximizing your ad spend? Start here!
[25:43] Check out this case study for further proof of the effectiveness of dispensary Google Ads!
[26:47] The easiest way to get started? Foottraffik Google Ads management!


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Google Ads: The Best Kept Secret in Dispensary Advertising


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