Best Keyword Research Tools for Dispensary SEO & Content Marketing 

Best Keyword Research Tools to Help You Find Your Audience

Thankfully, several tools exist that can make keyword research for your dispensary less of a guessing game and more of an analytical exercise. Keyword research tools can be used to find out what people are searching for, allowing you to optimize your website in order to capture that search traffic.

There are many keyword research tools available on the web, but some are much more useful and reliable than others. Here are a few of the best keyword research tools we know of that can be used to build your dispensary’s SEO strategy today.

Google Keyword Planner

Most good keyword planning tools don’t come cheap, but there are some that are actually free. One such free tool is Google’s Keyword Planner.

Google Keyword Planner can provide you with suggested keywords, metrics that give insights into how fierce the competition is for a specific keyword, historical statistics, and information about how a given list of keywords may perform.

Since this tool is primarily intended to help with Google AdWords, it can also help you with any paid search campaigns that you may be running.

Google Trends

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Best Keyword Research Tools 6

Source: Wordstream[/caption]

Google’s Keyword Planner isn’t the only free Google tool you can take advantage of. Google Trends can also be used to gain an idea of how certain keywords and search terms are trending.

This tool lets you enter multiple keywords and filter by category, search history, and location. Google trends can also provide you with valuable information about how popular specific keywords and search terms have been over time. All in the form of a beautiful interactive graph.

Trying to decide which keywords to prioritize? See how they’re performing with Google Trends.


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Best Keyword Research Tools 3

Source: Ahrefs[/caption]

We like Ahrefs for tracking a site’s SEO performance, but it’s also great for finding keywords. Ahrefs lets you check the viability of particular keywords, allows you to see what your competition is ranking for, and even points out “content gaps” between you and your competition.

This is a paid tool with different levels available depending on what you want to do.


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Best Keyword Research Tools 4

Source: SEM Rush[/caption]

SEMRush is a paid keyword research tool that does more than just determine keyword search volumes – It can also run audits of your blog, spot backlink opportunities, and more.

But the real value of SEMRush lies in its ability to scope out the competition. SEMRush also offers you valuable insights into the keyword strategies of your competitors. Knowing which specific keywords your closest competitors are trying to rank for can guide you in developing your own strategy.

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Source: SEO Tool[/caption]

This free keyword research tool is excellent for generating long-tail keywords. Long-tails are keywords that contain multiple words and are more specific with their intent. They can often take the form of questions or longer expressions that seek out information. uses Google’s autocomplete function to provide you with a list of relevant long-tail keywords for you to consider. It doesn’t get much easier than that!

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
October 1, 2020