Have You Started Your Dispensary Green Friday Planning?

Green Friday|Green Friday

Google Ads: Your Dispensary’s Key to Seizing Digital Traffic

If there’s one truth about the online space, it’s that most of what we do there goes through Google. With a seemingly impregnable share of worldwide searches now topping 92%, the search platform is the gatekeeper of the net.

As such, Google is in a unique place to help us monetize all that traffic, and their pay-per-click digital ad platform—Google Ads—just keeps getting better and better. We’ve been leveraging it for years to help our clients maximize their ad spends. Now, our leading-edge machine learning / AI capabilities are helping us take dispensary marketing to the next level. And this Green Friday, we want you to be ready to capitalize on it.

What does this mean for you?

Start planning now. Think about your goals for Green Friday. Do they include blowing through your quarterly projections with a shelf-clearing sales event? Driving traffic to your website to capture new customers and build authority?

Whatever you’re trying to achieve this Green Friday, we’re uniquely positioned to help you leverage the power of Google Ads to help you get there. If you haven’t already scheduled a conversation with us, start here.

Mobile Banner Ads: The Art of Capturing Consumers When They’re Ready to Buy

mobile banner ad

One unique facet of dispensary marketing is that it depends in large part upon reaching potential customers in the right place and at the right time. Because consumers often make decisions about which dispensaries to visit when they’re on the go, we’re experts in the use of what’s called Geo-Fencing, which identifies consumers based on their physical location relative to your dispensary. And that’s where mobile banner ads come into play.

Mobile banner ads let these likeliest consumers know about your offerings when they’re most likely to actually make a purchase.

Think about it: Even if a given consumer is on the way to a competing dispensary, your ad has an excellent chance of reaching them when they’re open to the gentle suggestion of, say, a promotion aimed at new customers. Especially when used in conjunction with pay-per-click ads, mobile banners are an incredibly targeted and effective way to reach the consumers you most want to reach.

Mailers: An “Old-Fashioned” (But Still Effective) Way to Spread the Word

dispensary mailer for green friday advertising

For many of us, a physical mailer may sound a bit out-of-date. But while their ROI doesn’t match the often fantastic returns of the digital ad formats we discussed above, using mailers—in the municipalities in which they’re permitted—is a great way to increase brand awareness and generate sales leading up to Green Friday.

Why? For one thing, mailers are relatively inexpensive, and their rarity in the cannabis sector gives you an excellent chance of standing out.

In this sense, their “old-fashionedness” is actually an asset. It signals to those who might be on the fence about cannabis that dispensaries are a normal, safe, and valued part of their neighborhood’s business community.

And again, when used in conjunction with digital strategies, our experience is that mailers are a great arrow to have in your quiver, especially when an annual sales event like Green Friday is coming up.

So…what are you waiting for? If you’re not already set up as a MediaJel client, we want you to be ready to take advantage of our expertise. Schedule a meeting now.

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
November 5, 2020