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Cannabis Delivery

From your online store to the consumer’s doorstep, drive more traffic, customers, and sales with precision geofencing.

Cannabis Delivery Header

Ready to Grow Your Cannabis Delivery Service?

From medical marijuana for homebound patients to recreational product dispensaries and e-commerce, we help delivery services connect compliantly with local audiences. 

Cannabis Delivery

Target Audience Segments

Cannabis Product Segments
Demographic: Age, Gender, Income
Retargeting Website Visitors
Lookalike Audiences
Competitor Customers
Event Segments
Speed and price dictate the battle for survival
Cannabis Delivery Challenges

Speed and Price Dictate the Battle for Survival

Cannabis delivery services compete primarily on speed of delivery and price while also contending with high customer expectations.

To grow, delivery services must scale quickly as demand increases without compromising their reputation for service and quality using cannabis delivery software. Otherwise, you’ll lose customers quickly.

Cannabis Dispensary Challenges

Cannabis Dispensary Challenges

When every state acts as its own country with a set of rules and regulations, region-to-region compliance is a moving target for MSO cannabis companies.

First, you have to understand each community because every state and region is different. With that foundational understanding, your brand will connect, build trust, and generate excitement about products. 

MediaJel tailors our stack of marketing solutions to help each dispensary overcome their pressing obstacles and thrive in their distinct market.

Only Prioritizing New Customer Acquisition

Neglecting the parts of your business that keep loyal customers happy leads to higher churn rates. 

Over-investing in customer acquisition channels translates to diminishing returns when the cost of acquisition exceeds their lifetime value. 

Making data-driven decisions based on information that’s skewed towards new customer behavior instead of the preferences of long-term customers. 

Only Prioritizing New Customer Acquisition
Customer Retention Roadblocks

Ignoring hard-won customers after their first conversion instead of maintaining contact and continuing to nurture them kills customer lifetime value.

Forgetting about a customer as soon as they abandon the cart reduces sales and the overall conversion rate. 

Avoiding feedback means you never have a chance to improve the customer experience - or put a positive spin on a less than stellar experience.

Customer Retention Roadblocks
Over Reliance on Third-Party Cannabis Platforms

Banking on platforms like Weedmaps to bring in customers means you lose out on customer data and SEO value.

Spending exorbitant prices to rank on third-party platforms steals budget from your brand and sales funnel.

Converting third-party discount shoppers into loyal customers eliminates profitability in the long-term.

Over Reliance on Third-Party Cannabis Platforms
Limited Advertising Channels

Finding high-value inventory on traditional advertising platforms is nearly impossible for cannabis companies without experienced media buyers. 

Most cannabis delivery companies still believe they are unable to launch ads on Google and Bing... spoiler alert - YOU CAN AND SHOULD!

Limited Advertising Channels
State Advertising Regulatory Uncertainty

Navigating complex and ever-changing regulations governing cannabis marketing means you never feel completely confident that your advertising is compliant. 

Adapting to each regulatory update means expensive changes in ad creative and strategy. 

Failing to maintain compliance with data and cannabis regulations risks major legal issues and penalties.

State Advertising Regulatory

Marketing Solutions For Cannabis Delivery Companies


Precision Targeting. Government-Verified 21+ Audiences. Cross-Device Identity Mapping.

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your ads are safely targeting government-verified 21+ audiences.

With precision targeting and cross-device identity mapping, MediaJel verifies ad content against cannabis advertising regulations, guaranteeing adherence to legal guidelines and mitigating brand risk.


Retarget Web Visitors. Lookalike Prospecting. Loyalty Campaigns.

Engage and nurture prospects through your buyer's journey by employing advanced data techniques, including retargeting website visitors, geolocation targeting, lookback audiences, lookalike audiences, and third-party data.

Don't lose customers to your competitors. Instead, activate and enrich your first-party data to reach likely consumers who are ready to buy.


Live Insights. Revenue Tracking. Optimization Strategies. 

Improve campaign performance in real-time. The MediaJel Platform provides live campaign metrics so you can see how your campaign and optimization strategy affect your bottom line.

Leverage our transparent attribution dashboard to view your customer journey, and the influence on your return on ad spend (ROAS).


Understand Revenue-Drivers. Map Cross-Device Conversion Paths. Visualize The Buyer's Journey. 

Take control of your customer journey by retaining ownership and identifying marketing strategies that guide prospects into your sales funnel.

MediaJel's multi-touch attribution model provides comprehensive insights into the campaign creatives and inventory that drive dollars so you can understand the impact of your campaigns across various channels and optimize accordingly.

Data-Driven Cannabis Advertising Strategies 

Advertising your cannabis home delivery services means ensuring that your ad campaigns are fully compliant in messaging, targeting, and placement. You cut through enough red tape simply to operate each day; let MediaJel take on this one.

We use a powerful combination of big data analytics, unique datasets curated and customized for your cannabis online delivery business, behavioral and purchase insights, and cross-device identity mapping to tailor your digital campaign strategy.

Our skilled team carefully defines your targeting, retargeting, and placement parameters – including precise geofencing to capture your exact service areas. Each step in the process ensures that your ads land in front of the right person, at the right moment, on the right device, and within the right geographic boundaries.

Data Driven Advertising Strategies

How We Do It

Boost Your Digital Presence


CTV - remote control in front of a television.


DOOH with a picture


Video assed holding a tablet.

Google Ads

Google Ads  a cell phone


SEP A laptop computer
The MediaJel Platform

Target Strategic Growth Plans with Revenue Attribution

Streamline your programmatic ad campaigns with clear, transparent reports customized to your cannabis delivery service.

Our revenue attribution dashboard follows ad impressions from initial exposure to transaction completion, empowering you to identify shopping trends.

Understand which geotargeted cannabis advertising campaigns drive sales and increase cart sizes to bridge the gap between cannabis online delivery warehouse to doorstep. 

Cannabis Delivery Platform

We've Got The Data To Prove It

Cannabis Delivery Case Studies
ad spend
ad spend

Cannabis Delivery Ad Resources

Advertising That Delivers For You

Your delivery service was born with an entrepreneurial spirit. And every day, you work to improve and grow it with a "let's do this" attitude. In the cannabis market, there's no other way to compete.

We get it. We built our digital marketing platform because of our passion for changing the game. Our mission is to provide advertising solutions that level the playing field for your cannabis delivery service.

You're ready to deliver. We are too.

Advertising that delivers for you